LaTeX conversion test
This is a post showcasing the capabilities of a custom pandoc script I wrote to convert LaTeX files into Markdown files for the web.
Basic Functionality
This is a normal paragraph.
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
These are “quotes”.
This is an item list:
First item.
Second item.
Third item.
This is an enumerated list:
First enumerated item.
Second enumerated item.
Third enumerated item.
This is inline math: \(Ax = b\).
This is an unnumbered equation:
$$Ax = b.$$This is a numbered equation:
$$Ax = b.$$This is an unnumbered aligned equation:
$$\begin{aligned} A x &= b \\ C x &= d \end{aligned}$$This is a numbered aligned equation:
$$\begin{aligned} A x &= b \\ C x &= d \end{aligned}$$This is a figure, inserted using Hugo shortcodes:
This is a reference to FigureĀ 1{reference-type=“ref” reference=“fig:test_fig”}.
This is inline code: Pandoc
This is Python code:
for i in range(10):
This is a link.
This is the video shortcode:
Extra functionality.
This is a paragraph.
And this is its content.
This is a named theorem box.
This is a named proposition box.
This is an unnamed lemma box.
This is a corollary box.
This is a definition box without a name.
This is a definition with a name. Some inline math inside it: \(\mathcal{C}\). Some display math inside it: $$\int_a^b f^\prime (x) \, dx = f(b) - f(a).$$
This is an example box.
This is a question box.
This is a remark box.
This is a citationĀ [@acharya2023].
Testing numbered equations:
$$ \begin{equation} \int_0^\infty \frac{x^3}{e^x-1} dx = \frac{\pi^4}{15} \label{eq:test} \end{equation} $$See Equation\ref{eq:test}.